a pocket full of power – of photos and computers and getting a handle on them both

I mentioned in my last post that I was doing some server work here at the house – and actually somewhat enjoying it this time around. Though truthfully, it’s likely as much about seeing things I’ve wanted to do for ages finally come about.  As of this writing, it’s about 85% complete and I’m taking a small break to write a couple of posts. As I write, data is being copied from one drive to another, so it’s sort of wasted time anyway if I don’t do anything else.

See, when it’s projects that disrupt the house or my daily procedures, I tend to get obsessed.  Shocking, I know! 8 days straight of obsession like this though and I need to reset my sleep schedule so I can go out and run errands / see clients during the day.

I’ve spent too many very long nights lately working on this and an adjacent project.  Most mornings, I go to bed around the time Ryan gets up for work but last Wednesday night, I ended up doing an accidental Continue reading a pocket full of power – of photos and computers and getting a handle on them both

2023 Year End Wrap Up

Happy belated New Year everyone!

A lot of years, it’s not until the year end wrap up that I truly understand how much I did during the previous 365.25 days.  This year even though the total yarn mileage was a bit of a shock, I was completely aware all year that I was busy.  I nearly didn’t do this post at all.

2022 ended with us knowing we were going to be redoing the shower in the bathroom.  After way too many trips to hardware stores and bathroom showrooms, we finally decided and by the end of May, that hurdle was cleared.  No more water issues in the house.  Or so I thought. Continue reading 2023 Year End Wrap Up