A Million Miles – traveling to speak and teach!

Note: Amended date!  I goofed ladies and gentlemen, April 16th is the date, not March!

Update: 2014-04-09 – It looks like the Evening class is tentatively full (may be able to open 1 more spot) and there is one left open for the morning class.  If you wanted to get in, now’s your chance!  We’ve been chatting about the possibility of me doing the class again in the future in William’s Lake, but there’s no firm timeline for it.

OK, so it’s not quite a million miles but I bet it feels like it by the time I get home.

I’m going to be teaching people just like you how to service and restore their vintage machines in BC next month! 🙂

Beauties like this:


The Cariboo Piecemakers quilt guild has asked me to speak to the group about vintage sewing machines at their Tuesday meeting.   The following day I will be doing a marathon training session.

The class is in William’s Lake, B.C. Canada (approximately 3 hours out of Kamloops) the Wednesday before Easter (March  APRIL 16th) at the Pioneer Complex, and we have just added a second session and there’s currently a little room left.   The tentative times for the classes are 10am to 3pm with a break for lunch and 5pm to 9pm.  If you’re interested in attending, leave me a comment below or contact me here.

Here’s what I’m planning to cover:

Hands on:

  • How to thread any machine
  • Troubleshooting – Recognizing problems you can solve and problems a specialist should look at
  • Tension
    • Why we need to look at it and why automatic really isn’t
    • How to adjust it from a user’s point of view and from a repair point of view
  • Tools and helpers
  • Cleaning – including some simple dis-assembly – what to use, what not to use
  • Common adjustments – belts, bobbin winder guides, etc
  • An understanding of lubricants – what to use, what not to use
  • How and what to oil, where to use grease and where to use oil
  • Checking motor brushes
  • Foot Pedal Maintenance, cord replacements
  • Basic restoration of the appearance of the machine
  • It’s stuck, now what!?!?

 Theory / Demonstrations:

  •  Timing – what it is, what it isn’t
  •  Motor rebuilds and wiring
  •   Basic Threadology

Time permitting, I plan to do either a small demonstration of Free Motion Quilting on a vintage machine or even have a little participation on this one.

OK!  I better get off the computer and do yet more planning – such as what to do with the queen and her furry subjects while I’m gone, is Ryan staying here or coming with me to chauffeur and sherpa, what machines to take, how to fit -everything- I plan on taking into the car, at what point I’m over its load carrying capacity…

This post brought to you by Heart – A Million Miles

4 thoughts on “A Million Miles – traveling to speak and teach!”

  1. I am interested in coming to your workshop in Williams Lake. I have a Redmond .treadle 1902, and a singer in a domed Wooden case, electric, a knee pedal, rather than a foot pedal. Jan Kidston

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