I’m not sure how many of you know what I do for a living. I’m a Systems Administrator / Computer Technician / Business Systems Analyst / Computer Jill-of-all-Trades. Originally though, I was trained as a software developer. Yes, I’m a bona-fide computer geek. It’s been close to 10 years since I’ve done any real development, but I decided a few weeks ago to dust off my old skills, and it’s for good reason.
Rummaging through the closet in the sewing room, I realised how many times I’d bought the same fabric that I already had, or a pattern I already had. Deciding that this year is a good year to begin to shop my stash, I began trying to find a program for Windows that would help me catalog my stash(es). Continue reading Fabric and Pattern Stash management for Windows→
I know that I mentioned in a previous post that I was planning some time to post, but life got in the way. Last weekend, we were watching a movie on the couch, when I noticed one of our kitties squatting in the corner. Uh oh. I picked her up and dropped her into her litter box, but she came out and squatted again.
$4000 damage. That’s what the estimate said. Thanks to Chaney and sons, also doing business as Y4 Workin Ent Inc, and 1383726 AB Ltd, we have significant damage to our vehicle.
We decided that this year, we would stay close to home. Business is a little slow, so money’s a little tight, so we’re trying to do a small reno to the backyard on the inexpensive.
I don’t want to say cheap, because1. It isn’t and 2. Cheap has a a bad reputation.
We’re reusing some things (rebuilt and expanded the deck. Ahem,.. Patio.), and trying to save money by picking up our own dirt, when it’s offered on kijiji, etc. Well, last week this backfired on me. Big time.
On July 31, 2012, I answered a kijiji ad for free top soil.