
Please use the form below for contact regarding booking AA for classes, parts/ service requests, or private feedback.

As of Jan 31, 2019, I have to decline to provide free help via email.  This has simply become too time consuming and fully 3 out of 4 people to whom I respond never even respond back to me at all.

Free help is only provided in the Facebook community group that I’ve created here: AA Vintage Sewing Machines Study

I do read everything that people send me via this form. Many times questions that are asked via this form are similar or the same as other people have asked and if so your question is likely to become a Reader Mail post.

Also, if it’s applicable – please tell me what state/province and country you’re in by filling in the Location field below – this is an optional field and unnecessary for anything that doesn’t involve me travelling or shipping anything to you. For instance, requests to come teach or shipping parts.

I do my best to answer email within 48 business hours but please keep in mind that AA is a one-woman show and I do get behind.

Business hours are from 10 – 6 pm Monday – Friday by appointment only.  Weekends are arranged for pickups and drop offs in very specific circumstances only.

Please double-check the email address that you enter in this form. If you don’t get a response in the time frame I mentioned above, it may be because you entered your email address incorrectly. I get a lot of these. 

I have double checked my email address is correct(required)

I've read the above policy regarding free help(required)

My thoughts and revelations on the skills of yester-year