Score at the Antique Mall

We made a trip to Calgary this weekend to see my aunt.

While enroute, I received an email from her saying she was just stepping out to run a couple of errands. We found ourselves with an hour on our hands, and were passing the same Antique mall that I’d found a lovely 1912 model 28 with both hand crank and motor upgrade a few months ago when we came through last.

We stopped and I wandered for a bit, seeing only a Spartan that was somewhat interesting, and completely reasonably priced, but since I already have 2 99s, I was in the process of deciding not to packrat, when I tilted my head toward the ceiling. I spotted it, on top of a China cabinet that was easily 7 ft tall. A featherweight case.

The hinges looked weird though. Ryan and I were standing there discussing whether they’d been replaced or not. I noticed though that the rivets looked identical to the lock side, and something was nagging in the back of my mind about the hinges and the box itself. It looked like it was the “wrong” dimensions.

The price was “reasonable” for 221 at a shop, but ever the snoopy one, I wanted to see what it was – Centennial, etc.

Ryan pulled it down with difficulty, it was that high up. As he was pulling it down, I joked that if there was a 222 in there, we were taking it.

He held it while I popped the hinges and lifted the lid. It was a genuine Wily coyote double take. I looked in, slammed the lid shut, jaw agape, then opened it again and looked at it again. He leaned in and verified that it wasn’t my eyes going bad.

Nope, definite open arm. A 222 at 221 prices. I did a basic check on it – wheel turned, albeit a little stiff, bobbincase present, motor runs. It’s in serious need of a good tune up, and removal of gunky oil, a belt, and 5 feet.

While I was looking it over, one of the guys at the counter recognised me from the last visit, and asked how many machines I had now,… That’s a little embarassing! 🙂

It’s in the trunk at the moment, and we’re almost in Calgary. No time to play or take a pic yet.

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