The other day, I posted about a DIY singled ended electric bobbin winder. In November – couple of months after I built that first prototype – I found 4 used End Feed Shuttles (EFS) which suddenly made the single ended winder a little less ideal.
By responding a little too slowly, I just missed out on a used double ended electric winder from the same seller. Having missed out on that , I decided to start plotting a way to modify my winder into a double ended bobbin winder. Naturally, winter in central Alberta isn’t an ideal time to be trying to go outside into the unheated garage to woodwork, so the project got put on hold until January – which is still not an ideal time for wood destructor shed projects! January is when I started my next weaving project (the one I talked about in the last post.) That project showed me that while the current winder could wind pirns, I didn’t enjoy it (I mean, as much as you’d ever enjoy winding bobbins/pirns?)
Once again, the point my mind was stuck on was the mandrel portion of the winder. Additionally, it needed to be very smooth turning – which is why Continue reading A DIY electric weaving bobbin winder – Act 2 – Double Ended Winder