Tag Archives: Patterns

The shop is up and running!

As I mentioned in last week’s post, I’ve decided to finally set up the shop completely.  With the way we all do things changing from day to day, this seemed like the right time.

For years, I’ve mentioned in posts that I would put this or that into the shop when I had a chance.  Now that my IT work and sewing machine repairs have slowed to a halt due to the pandemic, it’s bubbled to the top of the list. Everything’s been photographed and a description added.  I’ve tried to be as descriptive as possible but do check attached photos as well.

This means : Continue reading The shop is up and running!

At last – a pattern 10 months in the making

Seriously.  10 months.  I haven’t a really good excuse for it though.  It looks from the file revisions like I started it in November of last year and it’s been in various stages of writing then waiting then editing then waiting since then.

This bag pattern was made by request.  Not long after I made the Featherweight tote, I altered that pattern to make a larger bag for carrying full sized machines to workshop days.  It wasn’t long before people started seeing and asking for the pattern for the bag.  At first, I told people that they could use the featherweight tote pattern and I’d provide the dimension changes.   Most people though wanted all the changes incorporated – especially the 2 shops that carry my patterns. Continue reading At last – a pattern 10 months in the making

Spin me round faster – announcements about site and classes

Where have I been?

circa May 2017ish? – 6 months spinning.   Merino / Alpaca 93g 325m 2-ply spun worsted/semi worsted.

Some months ago, in order to feed my budding interest in spinning, I joined the local Weavers Guild.  Since then, I’ve accidentally become more and more involved with the guild.

How does one become accidentally involved? In stages.  😉

It started out with me doing some tune-ups on the guild’s wheels.  Tune-ups that are still ongoing with some of the consumables being replaced.  While I’ve been doing these tune-ups, the questions naturally come about – why are you using this instead of that?  What about when this happens, etc.

Then it moved on to the talk of me teaching a class.  Continue reading Spin me round faster – announcements about site and classes

Did she call me a bag lady?

For years I’ve told people not to trust the handles, joints or latches on vintage sewing machine cases.  The glue is old and brittle.  The nails and fasteners may be weak or loose.  Often the case has been compromised by moisture.  The damage to person and property can be significant.  A case and machine landing on the floor or table WILL do damage.  A case and machine landing on YOU is likely to result in an emergency room visit and possibly a plaster accessory for the next 6 to 8 weeks.

This holds true of a featherweight as well.  It’s easy to think “eh, it’s 11lbs.”  True, the machine is 11lbs – plus the weight of the accessories, the pedal and the case.  Typically, this tops 20lbs.  Continue reading Did she call me a bag lady?